It can be said that any mountaineering activity that lasts for a night requires a large backpack. The predecessors once said: Your home is on your back.
As the demand continues to grow, so do the types of outdoor backpacks. Although they are generally called outdoor backpacks, the types and functions of backpacks vary for different outdoor projects.
Sealock Outdoor Gear co.,Ltd. will attend the ISPO Germany exhibition from December 3rd to 5th for 3 days. Our exhibition number is C2.341.
If you find a backpack manufacturer to customize backpacks in batches, the prices are basically wholesale prices. The price of customized backpacks in batches will be affected by many factors such as the customized style, size, fabric and accessories material selection, quantity, etc.
Customized backpacks for employee benefits at the end of the year are a matter of great concern to customized companies, who will worry about the situation of over-budget during the customization process. Next, let the factory answer the question of "Is the price of customized backpacks for employee benefits at the end of the year expensive?" Let's find out together!
Today, Sealock combines its own years of customization experience to organize some methods on how to choose a backpack customizer. Let's take a look!